The various blogs could fit together better. I am trying to do another version of "Hello Spiders" and the "The Going of the Book" as if there is some sequence of events. The theory comes mostly from attempts to study at Lancaster. The problem is how to pass go. I still get the impression that "quality" is not part of the Management Learning scope. Maybe it is an HR thing as if operations are something else. Not sure at all. Maybe "critique" has to be part of the academic mix and quality is an easy target. They have to be polite about HR some of the time. Anyway I may be wrong in my memory and this impression could be tested again.
The current situation is that ePUB is doing well. I got into this looking at the print tradition and how it could morph. Today it is announced that the Google scan archive will be in ePUB format for the Sony Reader. When will Chris Argyris turn up? Some of his stuff was written a long time ago. Anyway back on topic, this is consumer electronics and the global cloud. Whether or not the ePUB design intention meets the criteria for conditions for dialogue, it exists and is widely available. It may be easier to look back on how learning has happened within a quality system. That is if you look at the history so far on e-books as a series of problems in production and customer objections. Starting out to ask academics who know about management learning to comment on a quality related design would have been more of a problem.
I still think ISO 9000 is a part of the quality scene and should be considered. In the UK the number of certificates continues to decline but on the planet, growth continues. So the explanation that people in the UK are now more sophisticated and do not need to bother may be only partial. It could be part of a decline in manufacturing or management.
So here are a couple of statements that could be checked out during study and also help to pass go.
1a ISO 9000 can be part of an effective quality system
1b Learning is part of what happens while people engage with ideas about quality
On the drupa2008 and IPEX2002 blogs I am obviously out of time sequence. Issues just keep repeating. The Job Definition Format is getting less attention over time. "Web-to-Print" turns up more often in Printweek. So JDF and XML is in the background. Meanwhile ePUB offers an XML friendly route from author to reader fairly quickly so XML will continue as a publishing topic. The discussion around PDF and portable job tickets is urgent or else an explanation of why the hard copy aspect of publishing may decline as a proportion. I still find Adobe confusing in their insistence of Flash as a direction but this could be because they do not have confidence in the classic Adobe products to offer much margin.
2. The project around Postscript and PDF has reached a stage when the technology is widely understood and available. Because of standardisation and a range of current suppliers, developers look at other areas for innovation opportunities.