Friday, July 25, 2008

I have been catching up on Critical Management Studies and found this about a workshop next month-

Web 2.0 is associated with technology such as blogs, wikis and podcasts and with environments such as You Tube, Myspace and Facebook. Our PDW would be an interactive workshop where we use these technologies to explore our experiences, insights and ideas of teaching in the age of Web 2.0. The implications of Web 2.0, which include a radical decentralization of knowledge and rich user experiences via interactive forms of participation, present opportunities and threats for the way we teach. In the workshop, delegates will bring their laptops to a room with wireless internet access. Using the interactive space of the critical management studies portal, we will share ideas and debate and discuss the relevance and importance of Web 2.0 to management educators. After a brief introduction by presenters describing our experiences of Web 2.0, the bulk of the workshop will involve developing on-line content around the subject of teaching in the age of Web 2.0. This might include a contribution to an on-line discussion, creation of a blog entry etc.

This is for a conference organised by the Academy of Management at the Anaheim Hilton.

Previously I have found that Critical Management is more or less hostile to ideas about quality. See 'Making Quality Critical' for example. Hugh Wilmott is one of the people involved in this workshop so I will try to find out online if it could be related to a quality approach in any way. My opinion is that looking at a website as a process can be useful. I don't see why quality and learning should be distinct disciplines for academics. In practice there is an overlap, as I find it.

Maybe this workshop will reveal what could follow from Foucault studies by way of web design. I am still trying to think about "heterochronies" following web links from Networked Learning, see previous blog post.

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