Saturday, April 26, 2008

The Networked Learning Conference will be in Greece early in May. I am thinking about what might turn up online so have done some Googling.

Wikipedia still has the Technology-Enhanced Learning page much the same. This term seems to be approved by the European Union but I don't know why other words are not used as well. I myself added the category of "educational technology" but other categories may be added later.

The word "heterotopia" has no definition in the Wikipedia, just a clarification that it might relate to either medicine or Foucault. Google turns up with a long piece of text that I will return to. So far I cannot see where this would relate to web design as practice. But maybe there will be some clues somewhere online during May.

Here is some suitable academic language to link into comics-

“Sequential art” or the word “comics” employed as a singular noun are categorical terms used somewhat interchangeably (see, e.g. Eisner, 1985, McCloud, 1993, McCloud, 2000), to describe the medium of expression found in comic books, comic strips, graphic novels, manga (Japanese comics), webcomics (online comics), and other formats.

Googling on OurComixGrid found a blog entry on MySpace that in a slightly disturbing way describes a level of commitment to art as a project and the web as part of this. Some of the blogs on MySpace appear to be just promotion most of the time but this one rings true. No recent updates so hope this means something else is happening.

The blogs listed on the Wikipedia page link to Ginny Salmon on YouTube talking about Second Life. She is Professor of e-learning and learning technology at Leicester. I have added a comment as I think there is learning happening already on Second Life whether or not the academic approach to design has been involved.

There is much to be gained from sharing views, I am looking forward to whatever is made public. But I think in the academic discussion there is sometimes not enough recognition of what happens online anyway.

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